
The Freelancer Oasis

In the current dynamic employment market, the traditional 9-to-5 work paradigm has undergone substantial changes. Veyley leads the way in this transformation, offering a versatile platform that addresses the unique requirements of freelancers across industries.

Intuitive Dashboard

Smart insights, better strategy

Manage your gigs!

Keep track of all your jobs in one place

Keep track of all applied , approved, invites and declined jobs in one place!

  • Applied jobs Monitor and receive real time updates on jobs you've applied to.
  • Approved jobs Keep track of the jobs you've been approved for and prepare for the upcoming shift.
  • Job invites Keep track of the jobs you've been invited by Employers for.
Best Results

Quick & efficient interviews

Why bother with the hassle of a traditional interview when you can do it instantly on our app? We've simplified the process to make things easier for both you and the employer.

  • Interviews can be fun again! Quickly setup an interview with an employer.
  • Upload credentials Upload your certifications on your phone or laptop asynchronously during the interview process.
  • Accept offers! Happy with your offer? Lock it in and get ready for your shift!