Veyley Hire

Our services and solutions
for Employers

Whether you're a small business, or a large enterprise, Veyley Hire simplifies the process of finding and collaborating with skilled professionals across various industries to have your jobs/shifts fulfilled by a fraction of the time.

Intuitive Dashboard

Smart insights, better business strategy

Track shifts, freelancers hired and overall budget details which will empower you to make informed decisions.

Job Management

Organize projects, jobs and shifts effectively

Require assistance to coordinate multiple shifts for a job or multiple jobs within a project? Allow Veyley Hire to streamline your scheduling needs, to allow you to effectively to oversee projects, jobs & shifts of your employees. 
  • Project setup Organize large projects by setting up budget info, invoice details, and other project requirements.
  • Job setup Setup all the different type of jobs required for your project!
  • Shift setup Create all the shifts required for each job and organize all your candidates in one place.
Invoice Management

Keep track of all your invoices in one place

With Veyley Hire, our invoice module is a comprehensive service designed to centralize all your invoices in one easily accessible location.

  • All your invoices in one place! Stay organized, all invoices sent will be placed under each Project, Job and Shift
  • Approve now, pay later. Approve or decline an invoice, keep track of invoice status between you and the freelancer and pay at a later time.
  • Export & upload invoice PDF Export any invoice to your PC and upload it into your other 3rd party invoicing systems for seamless integration of invoice data.